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Up one level non-profit legally, socially, transparently, ecologically & sustainably responsible services: consulting, lectures, nature guided tours, purpose trainings and coaching, innovations... To grow, develop, expand, improve, optimize and protect our society, jobs, activities, services, products, projects, processes, environments and planet. Share of income of all those services is devoted to our non-profit socially and environmentally useful services and projects.
Title Description Modification Date
CO2 offseting Offset your personal or business CO2 emissions in nonprofit CO2 offset project for nonprofitable ecological and conservation projects. 20-05-2010 09:36
Constant Improvement Consulting, training and management of constant improvement of products, services, processes, activities, projects... 26-11-2008 18:43
Costs Costs consulting and management 10-12-2008 17:53
eCampaign Campaigns consulting, management and realization 10-12-2008 18:11
Ecology & Environment Consulting and management of ecology and environment, best approach and minimal impact. 10-12-2008 17:54
Independent Selection Independent selection consulting and selection of partner, subcontractor, supplier, product, service or process... 10-12-2008 18:15
Information Technology Consulting and management of information and computer technology, products and services. 12-12-2007 01:48
Innovation & Invention Consulting and management of innovations and inventions of products, services, processes... 10-12-2008 18:03
Innovative Consulting of Improving & Optimizing Innovative consulting and management of improving & optimizing of ideas, innovations, product, services, processes... 10-12-2008 18:04
Innovative Planning Innovative planning consulting, management and creating 12-12-2007 01:23
Innovative Problem Solving Innovative problem solving consulting and problem solving 10-12-2008 18:00
Internet Research Research and analysis of markets, users, customers, competition, e-business and web interface, surveys, polls and feedback how to improve on those fields... 10-12-2008 18:16
IT Security & Privacy Information technology security & privacy consulting & services to assure maximum possible security of your IT system and data. 05-04-2013 11:20
Motivation Motivation consulting, management and coaching. 10-12-2008 18:17
Price Price consulting and management 10-12-2008 18:18
Public Relations, Image, Marketing & Advertising Consulting and management of public relations, image, marketing & advertising 10-12-2008 18:19
Quality, Reliability & Dependability Quality, reliability & dependability consulting and management 10-12-2008 18:25
Reintroduction of extinct wild animals on Pohorje Please help us reintroduce of extinct/exterminated wild animals back on Mt. Pohorje, Slovenia with this nonprofit conservation project. 02-06-2010 03:45
Renaturalization of Pohorje forests Please help us by supporting nonprofitable project for renaturalization of Mt. Pohorje forest and habitats in Slovenia and creating private natural r... 20-05-2010 11:38
Risks Risks consulting and management 12-12-2007 00:48
Social Responsibility, Justice & Solidarity Consulting and management of social responsibility, justice & solidarity 10-12-2008 18:28
User Friendliness & Satisfaction Consulting and management of user friendliness & satisfaction of products and services. 10-12-2008 18:26
Vallant Autogenic Training™ Vallant Autogenic training™ consulting, training and coaching 14-12-2007 16:41
Vallant Fitness Exercises™ Consulting, training and coaching of Vallant Fitness Exercises™ based on kinesitherapy exercises using resistence of accompanying body muscles. 15-12-2007 01:55
Vallant Physical Fitness System™ Consulting, training and coaching of Vallant Fitness System™ based on worming up, stretching, kinesioexercises and autogenic training. 15-12-2007 02:04