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Novice in Civilne iniciative ta varovanje Pohorja, narave in divjih živali./ News of and Civil initiative for protection of Pohorje, nature and wildlife
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019 by Primož Vallant — last modified 24-12-2018 21:17
Dear friends I wish you and your family Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year 2019!
Overhaul of by Primož Vallant — last modified 15-05-2014 07:23
Primož Vallant's web site is currently under major overhaul.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014 by Primož Vallant — last modified 25-12-2013 15:48 season greetings. ( gone offline for migration to cheaper hosting provider by Primož Vallant — last modified 28-01-2013 03:51
Because of financial, security and performance reasons ( was forced to migrate to cheaper hosting provider where we get more for our money. We'll be back ASAP.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!/ Vesel božič in srečno novo leto! by Primož Vallant — last modified 25-12-2011 01:44
Dear friends we wish you Merry Christmas, happy and healthy new year 2012, that your wishes come true!/ Dragi prijatelji želimo vam vesel božič, srečno in zdravo novo leto 2012 ter, da se vam uresničijo vaše želje!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!/ Vesel božič in srečno novo leto! by Primož Vallant — last modified 23-12-2010 23:46
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!/ Vesel božič in srečno novo leto!
Comments moderation.-Moderiranje komentarjev. by Primož Vallant — last modified 04-04-2010 19:49
Due to an avalanche of insults and harassment in the comments at I've changed the commenting policy, tightened the blocking, reporting and banning policy./ Zaradi plazu žaljenja in nadlegovanja v komentarjih na sem spremenil način komentiranja, zaostril politiko blokiranja, prepovedi dostopa in prijavljanja le teh.
New domain.-Nova domena by Primož Vallant — last modified 04-04-2010 18:05 changes to from today./ je odslej
Večer objavil izjave in fotografije Primoža Vallanta glede sečnje na Pohorju by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32
Večer objavil izjave in fotografije Primoža Vallanta glede sečnje na Pohorju
Forum spet dela by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32 forum spet dela in to v novi obliki in funkcionalnosti.
Gaspari se je opravičil by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32
Volilni šab Mitje Gasparija se je odzval na naše povabilo na predavanje Primoža Vallanta o ekoloških problemih Pohorja. Gaspari se je opravičil, da se ne more udeležiti predavanja, so pa nam namenili par vzpodbudnih besed. Boljše je kot kamen v hrbet ;)
Izpadi na by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32
Zadnje dni se dagaja, da naš portal za krajši čas izpade oz ne deluje.
Opravičilo mariborskega župana by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32
Župan občine Maribor, sej je opravičil, da se ne more udeležiti predavanja Primoža Vallanta o ekoloških problemih Pohorja, na katerega je bil povabljen, ki bo dne 17.10.2007 v Pekarni.
Opravičilo predsedniškega kandidata in županje by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32
Predsedniški kandidat dr. Danilo Turk in županja Slovenske Bistrice Irena Majcen sta se opravičila, da se ne moreta udeležiti predavanja Primoža Vallanta na katerega ju je povabil.
RSS2 up and working by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32
Our qRSS2Syindication 0.4.5 feed aggregator works again.
Portal Blog by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32
Portal Blog up and working.
Portal Workflow by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32
Work on cutomized Portal Workflow is coming to end.
Links up and working by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32 links section up and working.
FAQ up and working by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32 FAQ section up and working.
Forum up and working by Primož Vallant — last modified 19-10-2009 04:32 Message/Discussion Board available for your posts.