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Reintroduction of extinct wild animals on Pohorje

Vaše cena: €10.00

Fauna biodiversity of Mt. Pohorje's forests and habitats is severely diminished and disrupted because of human influence an actions. Before human interference Pohorje had healthy populations of otter, beaver, wild cat, lynx, wolf and bear. Sadly those species are extinct because they were eradicated by hunt in previous centuries.

Absence of those wild animals has serious long term consequences:

  • Beaver: His presence means slower flow of water from Pohorje, less erosion of soil and nutrients, he provides ideal environment for otter.
  • Otter: Absence of water predator means no control of population of their pray. Diminished genetic quality of their pray and non optimal evolution of those pray species.
  • Wild cat
  • lynx:
  • wolf:
  • bear:

Urgent action is need to protect Pohorje forests by increasing biodiversity of wild animals, restore balance and bring them to natural state as close as possible to assure bright and stable future for them. Now it's time to bring them back and finally restore natural balance. This is what non profit project of repopulation of Mt. Pohorje's extinct/eradiceted wild animals does by:

  • Increasing Mt. Pohorje's forests and habitats biodiversity by small scale repopulation of single animals.
  • Large scale repopulation of minimum 6 to maximum 10 animals of each species (half of those of each sex). To assure sucessful repopulation, healthy gene diversity, to return species population to their previous natural state adapted so they will be strong, stable and will thrive in future.

This is specially designed and scalable in value from 10€ to many millions €. You can contribute to this project by:

*Offsetting CO2 emissions is nonprofitable project, only charges commission for providing this service to cover it's costs.

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According to above given possibilities of participating just use Add to cart link below to pay through PayPal. If applicable multiply amount of 10€ to reach your amount, click update, then checkout to go to PayPal and finish transaction. 

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