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Past Projects

by Primož Vallant last modified 22-01-2019 12:11

Here are our past innovative nonprofit free information, free speech, social, legal, transparency, conservation, ecological, sustainable projects, innovations, inventions and ideas. To improve, grow, develop and protect our society, jobs, activities, services, products, environments and planet.

Exiting, innovative non profitable projects: free information and press, society, legal, social, ecological, sustainable, conservation projects; non-profit business, services & jobs;  innovations, inventions, ideas, than you are at the right place. New innovative solutions of existing problems, once in the lifetime market niches, social, ecological, environmental, society critical and beneficial projects, are waiting for smart donor, investor, job seeker, volunteer, activist, governmental and nongovernmental institutions.

For more info please contact us through our contact page. Here is the list of all projects available for donation, investment, sponsoring or involvement.


Exciting innovations, inventions and innovative projects which bring more sustainable, ecological, economical and efficient solutions to current technical problems.
Innovations and innovative projects

Free information and press projects project is online and in Beta phase. is a independent, nonprofit, localized, global, social network dedicated to: anonymous and secure submitting/reporting, analyzing, publicizing and prosecution of most damaging crimes; cooperation, performing direct actions and providing solutions to worst society problems.

We're more than just a WikiLeaks alternative, our solution fills gaps in other concepts by tackling cause of the problem and providing needed means in one place. Read more how and why we're different in About. provides this for free and relies only on it's supporters, sources, volunteers, journalist, lawyers, activists and NGOs in order to function. Please make sure we continue providing solutions to world's biggest problems, support us with donations, work, knowledge, improvements and comments today!

News on Facebook:,, Twitter:, projekt je online in v Beta fazi. je neodvisno, nepridobitno, lokalizirano, svetovno, socialno omrežje namenjeno: anonimnem in varnem posredovanju/prijavi, analiziranju, objavljanju in pregonu najhujših kaznivih dejanj; sodelovanju, izvajanju direktnih akcij in nudenju rešitev za najhujše družbene probleme.

Smo več kot zgolj WikiLeaks alternativa, naša rešitev zapolnjuje pomanjkljivosti drugih konceptov z reševanjem vzroka problema in zagotavljanjem potrebnih sredstev na enem mestu. Preberite si več kako in zakaj smo različni od drugih na O nas. opravlja to brezplačno in se zanaša samo na svoje podpornike, vire, prostovoljce, novinarje, pravnike, aktiviste in nevladne organizacije, da lahko deluje. Prosim, poskrbite, da se še naprej lahko zagotavljamo rešitve za najhujše svetovne probleme in nas še danes podprite z donacijami, delom, znanjem, izboljšavami in komentarji.

Aktualne informacije na Facebook:,, Twitter:,

Ecological and Conservation Projects

Ecological, conservation, sustainable and environmental beneficial projects.