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Odgovor na izmikanje glede in grožnjo s tožbo./ The answer of to the evasive tactics of concerning and the threat of legal action

by Primož Vallant last modified 04-01-2011 15:33

Odgovor neprofitne fundacije na izmikajoč odgovor, in posredno grožnja s tožbo za odškodnino. Zaradi našega obvestila javnosti v zvezi z nenadnim, nerazložljivim padcem števila rezultatov iskanja za »« na The answer of the not-for-profit foundation to the evasive tactics from and their consequent threat of legal action for damages – because of our announcement to the press of the sudden and inexplicable fall in the number of search results for on (major Slovenian search engine).

For more information, contact
Maribor, SLovenija 24-12-2010


Mislimo, da naše včerajšnje obvestilo javnosti vsebuje dovolj jasne javnosti dostopne podatke, trende in rezultate iskanj v daljšem obdobju največje pozornosti javnosti. Jasno kažejo, da ni neke razumne, logične razlage in argumenta za padec iz 13.104 zadetkov na 10.367 med 16.12.10 in 23.1210, ko smo imeli zelo odmevno vabilo in tiskovno konferenco, izključno na, ter od takrat dalje zelo počasno rast. In to v obdobju največje in strme rasti strani, ki poročajo o nas. Pričakovan rezultat bi bil okrog 20.000 zadetkov in nadaljnja strma rast dalje. To so vprašanja, ki zahtevajo odgovor zakaj se je to zgodilo?

Če bi se potrudili in želeli dati natančne odgovore, bi to lahko že zdavnaj storili. Sam sem neuspešno poskušal priti do odgovora dvakrat preko telefona. Računalničarji vemo, da prideš do zelo natančnih statistk in rezultatov z nekaj kliki in v nekaj minutah.

Glede na reakcije je bilo jasno, da če ne vključimo javnosti ne bomo hitro dobili jasnih odgovorov, če sploh kdaj. Reakcije najverjetneje kažejo na zavlačevanje z odgovorom, da zamre interes javnosti za to zadevo. Javnost ima pravico vedeti in biti seznanjena z vsemi nepravilnostmi, posebej, če se gre za tako občutljivo zadevo, kot so svoboda obveščanja javnosti, svoboda izražanja, dostop do dejstev in resnice, skrivni dokumenti in

Do sedaj smo preverjali rezultate iskanja v Sloveniji in na Ker lahko rezultati na vsebujejo tudi rezultate od drugje (in so zato toliko obsežnejši), smo zato namerno včerajšnjo preverbo naredili na in za strani izključno v slovenskem jeziku, da dobimo kreditibilno primerjavo (tukaj so trenutni rezultati): iskanje zadetkov samo v slovenskem jeziku: 21,700:


Tukaj so očitna in prevelika odstopanja med Googlom in Poudarim naj, da smo zgolj postavili vprašanje na osnovi nam in javnosti znanih dejstev. Na osnovi do sedaj znanih podatkov vsak normalen človek vidi in sklepa, da to najverjetneje kaže, da tukaj nekaj ne »štima« in se vpraša ali cenzurira Ne trdimo, da je priredil rezultate iskanja. To naj ugotovijo neodvisni računalniški strokovnjaki, novinarji, vse odgovorne inštitucije, ki so zavezane k temu, če treba tudi neodvisna parlamentarna komisija. Upam, da bodo čim prej ukrepale in razjasnile zadeve.

Zanimivo je, da vsakokrat, ko se odkrijejo, za enkrat še domnevne, nepravilnosti, ki se pa v večini primerov izkažejo za osnovane. Je tisti, ki obvesti javnost vse kriv, nima pojma, ne ve za kaj se gre, na vrh vsega mu pa še grozijo.

Vse skupaj je zelo enostavno razjasniti. Dajte nam, javnosti in neodvisnim strokovnjakom takoj na razpolago vse loge in statistike v decembru 2010, ki se nanašajo na »«. V primeru, da se izkaže, da so to originalne, ne prirejene datoteke, da obstaja kreditibilna in argumentirana razlaga zakaj je prišlo do tega, sem se pripravljen opravičiti.

Drugače sem v ponedeljek v Ljubljani in sem se popoldne, v spremstvu novinarjev, pripravljen oglasiti pri vas da razjasnimo zadeve in dejstva. Vendar brez strokovnega mnenja neodvisnega računalniškega strokovnjaka ne moremo dati končnega mnenja.
Lep pozdrav,

Primož Vallant

Ustanovitelj in predstavnik

Neprofitna fundacija (v ustanavljanju);; Civilna iniciativa za zaščito pravne, socialne države & narave

Če bi se radi vnesli na našo listo prejemnikov obvestil za javnost, prosim kliknite na to povezavo <> in pošljite kreirano sporočilo.

Če več ne želite prejemati naših sporočil, jih odjavite s klikom na to povezavo <> in pošljite kreirano sporočilo z svojim elektronskim naslovom na katerega je bilo poslano to sporočilo.

Dear all,

We believe that the press release we made yesterday includes clear and publicly accessible facts, trends and search results covering a large period of high public interest. It clearly shows that there is no logical, reasonable explanation for the sudden fall, exclusively on, from 13.104 to 10.367 hits, between 16/12/2010 to 23/12/2010, the period of the invitation to and the actual high-profile press conference on Since then, we have witnessed very slow growth in a period of high and rapid increase of pages reporting on us. The expected result would be 20.000 hits and growing. Our question demands an answer – why the decline in hits? If you had made an effort to give exact answers, you would have done it already. I personally made two unsuccessful attempts to get an answer from you by telephone. Computer experts know that very exact statistics and results are only a few clicks away – a matter of minutes.

Considering your reaction, it is obvious that we will get results only if we include the public media in our quest for a clear answer. The reaction most probably points to procrastination until the public interest around this topic dies down. The public has the right to be informed about any incorrectness, especially concerning such sensitive matters as freedom of the press, freedom of expression, access to facts and truth, secret documents and

Until now, we checked the search results on But because the results on include results from other countries (and have a much wider range), we yesterday deliberately verified the search results both on and for pages in Slovenian only, in order to arrive at a credible comparison. Here are the actual results: - hit search in Slovenian: 21.700: – hit search in Slovenian: 21.600: :

There is an obvious and wide deviation between Google and Najdi,si. I reassert that we studied the question on the basis of publicly available information. On the basis of the actual publicly available intelligence every normal person concludes that something here is not “right”, and wonders if censors
Let this matter be explored by independent computer experts, journalists, accountable institutions and if need be, an independent parliamentary commission. My hope is that they will act promptly to clarify this matter.

It is interesting to note that each time that suspected irregularities are discovered – which in most cases prove based on fact – the whistle-blower is blamed and threatened.

It is very simple to clarify this by making available to the public and to independent experts all the logs and statistics from December 2010, referring to In the verified case that they are original, unadulterated databases and that there is a credible explanation for the discrepancies, I am ready to apologise.

Otherwise, I will be in Ljubljana on Monday and am willing to visit you in the company of journalists in order to clarify this business – although we cannot arrive at a final opinion without the expertise of an independent computer specialist.

Please forward this message or this link to all interested parties:


Primož Vallant

Founder and representative

Non-for-profit Foundation (in the process of establishing);; Civil initiative for the protection of rule of law, welfare state & nature.

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