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Slovenian blogger Mitja Kunstelj prosecuted and endangered

Slovenian blogger Mitja Kunstelj prosecuted and endangered because his writing and the evidences points to a reasonable suspicions of serious criminal offenses by Janez Jansa (current Slovenian prime minister) and his coworkers.

PLEASE SHARE EVERYWHERE AND HELP! Mitja Kunstelj, one of the most famous Slovenian bloggers and most informed Slovenians with personal experience within inner circle of Janez Jansa (former and current Slovenian prime minster), his kind of work and governance, with his writing and the evidences points to a reasonable suspicions of serious criminal offenses by Janez Jansa and his coworkers. Mitja is, now due to his activities, under very severe pressure, legal prosecution by Janez Jansa and his circle, and there are also reasons that his personal safety is threatened.

Here's his latest message in his secret FB group:

From now group is shrinked to 33 members! So I decided. I choose those who were here from the beginning. Most I don't know personally. This is a new social order, I can't help it. Many will be insulted and ... ... ... because I've deleted them...! There will be no new members. If anyone believes he doesn't belong here, he should "cancel" himself.

As a result of blogs and book I got hanged with a bunch of lawsuits, and freshly with some criminal charges.
How will all this end, I don't know. ? This is Myers (synonym for Premier Janez Jansa) land now!

If not elsewhere, in this group it will be published everything that should not exist. If I'm forcefully withdrawn, then you are the one who'll "copy paste".......!


Mitja Kunstelj I'll be stored behind the bars, I'll be forcefully withdrawn, "IF" ??? but not the material and ... ... ...,????? This is a point… .., good night
2 hours ago Like

It is time that free and responsible people all over the entire world spreads news about this, do everything is necessary to protect Mitja Kunstelj and help that Janez Jansa and his circle get proper legal prosecution and punishment. WILL YOU HELP?

His Facebook page and his blogs (in Slovenian)

Saturday, May 12, 2012  | Permalink |  Comments (0)
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